Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sprouting Lentils: Day 4 (final day)

Ok! Now, we are on to day four.  Day four was actually yesterday, and I apologize for not posting this yesterday.  I had bit of trouble getting signed in to our account. BUT all is well today!

Today, all the lentils should have reached their maximum sprout stage.   All the sprouted lentils should be dry.  Pour the sprouted lentils into a colander and rinse one final time and let dry.

Once dry, you can store your newly sprouted lentils in an air tight container/zip bag.  The sprouts have a wonderful, rich earthy aroma and taste. These are wonderful in salads!!  Enjoy!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sprouting Lentils: Day 2 (and three)

So it's the second day of sprouting lentils.  This morning just after 8 o'clock I  poured out the water that the lentils were soaking in over night and rinsed the lentils.  After rinsing the lentils, turn the jar upside down at an angle and let them drain for 24 hours.

On day 3, you'll want to do the same thing. By this time you should see the lentils growing "tails" - they are sprouting!  Rinse the lentils, pour out the water and let drain for another 24 hours.

I shall post once again on day four, for the final day.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sprouting Lentils: Day 1

I have decided to sprout some lentils for consumption by adding some to my salads.  If you have never sprouted lentils, you are in for a nice treat!  And if you have, you already know how easy it is and tasty the lentil sprouts are!  What do they taste like you ask?  Lentil sprouts have a wonderful earthy aroma and taste!  Here I show you an easy way to grow the sprouts.  I use the jar method.  Let's get started!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Our Journey Begins

This blog will be a journal of sorts pertaining to our family's beginning journey of homesteading and hopefully sustainable living.  Seems simple enough - but it will take hard work and determination.  As it is, we are learning as we go.  And that is so much part of the adventure that awaits.  I'm sure we will see our share of failures and successes.  And just maybe learning from our failures will bring fruitful rewards!

Speaking of fruitful, today our first order of seeds from came!  These are organic, non-GMO seeds.  I can not begin to tell you how excited we are to get them in the ground.  So far we have 27 different types of seed from Arugula to Zucchini.

Not only are we planning on having a much bigger crop this year, we are also raising chickens for farm fresh eggs!  Our layers consist of New Hampshire Reds, White Leghorns, Production Blacks and Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers).  I absolutely can not wait to taste these eggs!  The hatchery did throw in Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Red Roosters (17 roos total!!).  But I think we are going to have to find new homes for them, there's just way to many!  We did loose 5 birds, which gives us a remaining count of 38 total chickens.

Looks like we're off to a good start!

  More to come.......
